Publication: “Things will Work Out Tomorrow- A Growing Collection of StepBackForward Methodologies”
Things will Work Out Tomorrow- A Growing Collection of StepBackForward Methodologies is the publication summarising the first phase of Regarding it as a timely sampling of the emerging Hong Kong art scene, the publication contains information, methodologies and reflections of 59 artists or collectives participating in as of 1 June, 2021. In a non-linear form, the publication unfolds in three layers: Part 01 Mapping StepBackForward, a constellation map weaving together our participants and their keywords; Part 02 Methodology Cards, a collection of creative methods of 49 artists; Part 03 Collecting Exchanges, a selective summary of the answer to questionnaires, dialogues and our reflection on this project. In addition to documenting, we also wanted to transform ‘publication’ into a co-learning material for the public – different artists can be linked through keywords and the methodologies of corresponding artists could be further explored by the viewers for further inspiration.
Published by:
Book Size: 167 x 375mm, 155 x 297mm, 143 x 210mm
Pages: 172 pages + 1 page (A1)
Printing: Offset printing
Year: 2021
Language: Traditional Chinese and English
Edition: First edition